I don't know if you can tell from her eyes, but this little one is quite a character! The first Sunday that my husband preached at the church, she spent the whole service in her bare feet running around the front of the church. She started a game of chase with anyone who would try to catch her and make her sit. Imagine her surprise when right in the middle of his sermon, my husband scooped her up in his arms and went right on preaching! He held her and preached for a good ten minutes and it fit in perfectly because he was talking about the love of a father for his child! What a priceless moment!
I am not sure if this little sweetie comes to the church or just lives nearby. But on this particular Sunday, she occupied herself by standing outside the window where I was sitting and periodically stroking my arm! We played this little game for quite awhile, each time with me turning my head to smile at her and her smiling back with a little giggle. Simple but genuine connection.
Yes, this little guy is carrying a pot of fake flowers on his head! This is the only "decoration" our little church has and it is borrowed from the table of one of the church members! Today, he is given the responsibility of taking the flowers back home, but be sure they will appear again next Sunday!
Yesterday after church I had a precious conversation with this darling little girl. Of course I can't remember her name because when I asked her she rattled off what sounded more like a sentence than a name! She insisted that she was three years old but proceeded to tell me that she goes to school and is in first grade! So cute!

These two are sisters (Naomi and Sabina). They hopped in the car and came home with us after church yesterday. We had a fun afternoon of playing with tennis balls for hours! Here you see them sporting their new jackets that we gave them (thanks to a team who left a bag of clothing with us to distribute!) and they were quite tickled as you can see. Even in the heat of the day, they refused to take them off!
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