Friday, August 3, 2012

A Book?!

So, I'll let you in on a secret dream I have... I want to write a book.  I have wanted to write a book for almost as long as I remember.  When I was younger, I can remember many times sitting down with a pencil and paper (remember the days of pencils and paper?!) and trying to dream up an exciting fictional story that I would make into a fantastic bestselling novel.  Haha!  Obviously, I never got very far with it.
More recently, I have been thinking about writing again and even sat down at the computer to start...where to start?  That is always the question.  I never know where to start.  I suppose I never really thought anyone would want to read what I have to say.  And though my life seems quite "normal" to me now, after living here in Rwanda for nearly three years, I recently had the "revelation" that the life I am living is pretty far from what most of my family and friends know to be normal!  Living so far away can sometimes make a woman feels pretty isolated, but maybe as I share my life, struggles, joys, and sorrows here, we will be brought just a little bit closer together.
This morning I stumbled across a beautiful blog written by another missionary mom and I am absolutely inspired! After all, if I can't even keep up with a blog, how will I ever finish writing the book I dream of writing?  And who knows, maybe my blog could one day become my book!  So once again, I am going to try to blog.  I know I have said that before, but seriously, I am really going to try to keep up with this, as a step to reaching my goal of writing my book and as a way to chronicle this crazy, beautiful life that God has given me! 

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