Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's been too long...

It has been too many days since I posted!  General update: We are doing well and keeping busy!  It is now only a month away from my due date!  I can hardly believe that we will be meeting our precious little boy so soon.  I know that life as we know it is about to change forever!  But we are excited and blessed. 
Today is Appolinaire's birthday!  I am trying to put together something special for dinner tonight...maybe I'll have to write about how that went tomorrow.  I sent our house helper on a search to look for fish since that is a favorite of my husband.  Yeah, I maybe should have went myself?!  In my kitchen right now is a bunch of fish and by that I mean whole fish, skin, eyes, tails, the whole deal!  Problem?  I have no clue how to clean them or cook them!  I guess I'll wait until my husband comes home and see if maybe he knows how?  Sorry honey!  Anyway, I am planning on cooking some rice and veggies too and of course I have to make a cake!  So I will be heading to the kitchen soon :)
Things at the church are going well.  We had a great time with the youth last weekend.  Saturday we had a youth seminar all day.  Appolinaire and I took turns teaching and God really blessed our time.  Our church is pretty small but we have a good amount of young people so we are trying to really invest in that area.
Yesterday we had a nice time with the women from the church too.  We met with them to discuss and exchange ideas/plans for the upcoming "Hands For Hope" project.  I am excited about what God is going to do there.  So many of these women carry such heavy burdens and such pain in their hearts.  I am really starting to feel connected with them in a deep way and I thank God for that.  We had a precious time sharing with eachother.  The afternoon rain came and boy did it ever come!  It poured so hard we couldn't hear anything so we just sat together praying and waiting for it to let up.  What a sweet moment it turned out to be.  One of the older ladies noticed that I was cold (I had forgotten to bring a wrap to wear) and she came to let me share hers.  We sat together, not even able to talk because of the loud rain, but keeping each other warm.  I love those little moments when it is like God is just knitting our hearts together.  I am so blessed by the love that I feel so much from these precious women.  They take such good care of me, helping me to walk through the mud without falling and even cleaning my shoes after walking in the mud.  I am humbled and blessed to share life with them.  Thank you Lord for bringing us to this place!
Well, I guess that is all for now.  Just wanted to give a little update on life here in the Ntiganzwa house. those fish...hmmmmmm....

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