Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sabbath Wednesday/Brag about my husband day!

Sometimes your body will force you to take a Sabbath!  Today is one of those days for me.  I was beginning to feel sick yesterday but I thought it was maybe allergies or just the dust in the new house.  Last night I barely slept at all and neither did my poor husband.  I was hoping that all my sniffles would not wake him but several time throughout the night as I was sitting up to blow my nose I felt his hand gently rubbing my back and heard him whisper prays of healing for me. 
I was wondering what I might feel inspired to write about today and I finally decided to declare it a brag about my husband day!  Of course he would probably blush (if an African can blush?) if he knew I was writing this so let it be our little secret :)
Sometimes my heart feels a bit sad because most of you who may be reading this post have never had the chance to even meet my sweet Appolinaire face to face.  There is one especially important person in my life (my sister) who struggles with this quite a bit.  I honestly don't know why God has chosen to have things work out this way.  You know I would surly have loved for everyone in my life to be able to meet and get to know the man who has stolen my heart!  I know the time will come and we wait and hope for that wonderful day!
In the meantime, allow me to give you the scoop on my honey!

Full Name:  Ntiganzwa Sekibibi Appolinaire

Nationality: 100% Rwandese though he was actually born in the Congo.

Birthday: April 21st, 1974

Favorite Foods: Fish, macaroni, rice, and fresh milk and tea!

A little background:  Both of Appolinaire's parents are Rwandese but they fled Rwanda in 1959 along with many others due to rising political unrest and danger.  They settled in the Congo in an area of primarily other Rwandese and that is where Appolinaire was born.  So though he grew up in Congo he still speaks Kinyarwanda, as well as Swahili, French, and English.  When he was only seventeen he lost his mother.  There was a time of drought in the area where they were living and his mother left on day to go to find food for the family.  He never saw her again and does not know for sure exactly what happened to her.  It is most likely that she was murdered because of the racial tension that was going on at that time.  The pain from that experience couple with the fact that they never found her body and so were never able to bury her properly was about as much as he could handle.  Not long after his mother died, Appolinaire's father abandoned the family leaving Appolinaire (as the oldest) to take care of his two younger brothers and two younger sisters.
Appolinaire came back to Rwanda in 1995, after the Genocide.  At that time, things had become quite dangerous in the Congo where he was living and it was safer for him and his siblings to try to return to Rwanda.  They ended up being cared for in an orphanage in Kigali which is where Appolinaire got saved.
Long story short, since then, his siblings have all gone back to the Congo but he has a good relationship with them to this day.  All except for his brother Mupenzi, who joined the army in Congo and we do not know for sure if he is still living or not because he has not been able to make contact with him for quite some time now.  Appolinaire went to study Biblical studies at Narobi Pentecostal Bible College.  After college, he was sent to a church in Kinyinya to be the associate pastor, which is where he was working and serving for the last four and a half years.  We just recently moved (last week) to Eastern Province to pastor a new church here.  So now he is the lead, full-time pastor of a small but powerful little church in a place called Ntunga.

More about him: He loves to read and study the Bible, he can spend hours on end searching the Word of God! He is a teacher at heart and especially loves teaching people the Word of God. I have never known someone who enjoys a cup of tea more than Appolinaire.  Though I have gotten him into drinking coffee in the mornings!
He is very gentle and quiet, a peacemaker for sure. He truly has the heart of a pastor and loves shepherding the people of God.  He loves kids too, and is going to be an amazing father! (By the way, he talks to my pregnant belly every morning and evening!  Even sang to it the other day!  He also loves to pray for our little boy).
Speaking of prayer, he loves to pray!  I am always inspired and challenged about this part of him.  His first response to almost every situation is prayer.  If I have a headache or am not feeling well, he automatically lays hand on me and prays for healing.  Anytime we encounter a decision or difficult situation, prayer is the first thing on his mind.  Sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of him praying.

I could probably go on and on here but this post is getting long :)  Let me just say, from the bottom of my heart, I love and respect this precious man of God that I have been called to walk through this life with!  He is not perfect of course, but he certainly is a true gift from God, and I am blessed to call him my husband!  I love you so much Appolinaire!


  1. Thanks Val. There are tears streaming down my face, yet I'm smiling. I'm so glad you found each other! p.s. You missed what his favorite color is? Haha Love you tons! Hugs!
