My little angel is peacefully sleeping beside me as I am typing this. He really is a good baby and I am very thankful. Still there are moments when I get frustrated and come close to loosing my patience, usually in the middle of the night when he wakes up only a half hour after I just fed him! Being a mother is the biggest blessing in the world but also quite a challenge. I have literally not been separated from Benjamin for more than a few minutes since the day he was born! Daddy does try to help out as much as he can, watching him while I am outside washing diapers or doing something quickly in the kitchen but other than that we are pretty much attached to each other. Healthy or not, I don't have much of a choice in the matter since I am breastfeeding and we don't have family nearby or anyone we can trust to take care of him. But I love being a mommy and I don't mind being with him all the time. He is so sweet and brings so much joy into our home. His little personality is starting to really shine through and he makes us smile and laugh often. There is nothing quite like the love a mother feels for her child!
In other news, things are going well at the church and with the Hands For Hope project with the women. I am just trying to work out a good schedule that works for me and baby and ministry. Takes a bit of juggling but we are making it work! Basically Benjamin gets strapped to me in the little front pack that I have and everywhere I go, he goes. This kid is getting familiar with ministry from a young age :) It works though because he is such a content baby most of the time, thank the Lord for that! We are going to try to make Mondays a "restful" day for us. Appolinaire says that Monday is the pastors' day of rest since Sunday is packed full of ministry. Tuesday I want to try to focus on communication (newsletters, blogging, writing to supporters). It is so easy for that part to get lost in the every day life and it is a very important thing! Appolinaire has started doing evangelism in the village on Tuesdays and that is going really well! Just this week one woman gave her life to Christ and another man was interested and said he would come to church to hear more! Praise the Lord! Wednesdays I go to the Hands For Hope shop in the village and spend time with the women who are learning to sew and make jewelry. I am planning to start doing a "tea and devotion time" with them to be able to feed into them spiritually as well and I am excited about that. Then we have church in the afternoon on Wednesdays. Sometimes I am able to go and sometimes not but Appolinaire is always there and gets to do lots of teaching. Thursdays my goal is to continue focusing on language study. It is coming along really well but I sort of feel like I will be learning it forever. I need to not get lazy with it which is why I want to set aside a day that studying Kinyarwanda is at the lot of my list of things to do. And then Friday is church again! And mixed into all of that is cooking, washing diapers, taking care of baby, and finding time to fit is teaching English in the village. Life is full and good!